Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why in America - Nathan Rosenberg free essay sample

The article Why in America by Nathan Rosenberg, we learn how manufacturing was important impact on America during the nineteenth century. America was primarily borrowed the European technology and the rate of technical change increased. There were three major reasons why american manufacturing has increased rapidly. The three reasons of rapid increase of American industries were the increase of population growth, larger amount of natural resources, and specialized machines. The population growth in the United States, has been booming because of the growing population of immigration and new borns coming to the world. Immigrants that were coming into the United States, wanted to find better life and opportunities that would help them success in life. â€Å"Rapid population growth resulted in a very high rate of new household formation† (Rosenberg, 107). The rapid growth of population has also introduced the demands and supply of manufactured commodities. The demands in goods and services has also increased rapidly. We will write a custom essay sample on Why in America Nathan Rosenberg or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since the population was increasing, they started to allow consumerism. This would result in increase in wealth for the manufacturing industries. They believed the higher the population would result in more goods that would need to be produced which leads up to a better economic society. An example would be that food process were lower than before making it easier for the citizens. There was improvements in transportation by introducing the canal-building and the railroad construction. Overall, the environment was becoming a easier and better place for individuals because of all the causes that were occurring. There was larger amount of natural resources that impacted the american manufacturing industries. The United States started to realize that there was overwhelming amount of natural resources. Some resources could be the land, wood and metal that was available. â€Å"The supply of available resources pushed American’s in a direction that helps to account for the country’s unique technological contributions† (Rosenberg, 109). Resources abundance provided an encouragement to explore the possibilities of new technological. This would result in members of the society to purchase other goods and services provided by the American system of manufactures. â€Å"The downside to the large amount of natural resources was that the machines used were very wasteful† (Rosenberg, 109). They also realized that there was a lot of available farmland which they can build the use of manufacturing innovations. For example, steel plough which is a cultivator which replaced the hand handling in the fields. The last reason of American manufacturing was the produced by specialized machines. America was producing many goods in the ninetieth century which result in the introduction to new technology. The specialized machinery required to save labour power which was good for the american economic. American was known as the ones that still borrow from the Europeans and would take their technologies for their purposes. â€Å"The woodworking machines is something the Americans have taken from the europeans which they liked because it required less labour† (Rosenberg, 105). The downside of this technological was that it would waste their natural resources like wood. Most of the specialized machinery allowed workers to fix these machines themselves which was easier for every individual. â€Å"America also became a powerhouse for metalwork† (Rosenberg, 109). The specialized machinery has reduced the amount of making machines and the resource scarcity. Overall, the specialized machinery had helped the american manufacturing by reducing labour and cost. I believe that the important contributor to the American manufacturing system would be the the population growth increasing. The increase of of population growth has improve the opportunities for the working class by the production of rapid growth of goods and services. The rapid growth of population has also introduced the demands and supply of manufactured commodities. This then lead to a better economic system and increase of wealth for the states’ capita. The larger the population would lead to more natural resources and goods. In conclusion, the increasing population growth has impact the economic status for the United States.

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